This is Car 公司 Magento design with Sample Data Installer What is it?Sample Data Installer是为主题开发的模块. 它允许上传图像、类别、配置等...
销售: 75
支持: 4.1/5
Magetique -备件Magento主题
Are you in need of a ready-made Magento 2 design to sell 车 部分 and equipment? Meet Magetique Spare Parts, a beautiful template built just for that purpose. 我们设计它是为了提供你的...
销售: 200
支持: 4.1/5
You will considerably simplify drivers' life with the launch of online wheels and tyres store. 车主们很欣赏这类产品的质量. 因此,设计师放置了最可靠的位置...
销售: 66
支持: 3/5


模板名称 下载 价格
汽车服务Magento主题 75 $108
Magetique -备件Magento主题 200 $188
Carilli -汽车调谐Magento主题 16 $108
成功的汽车经销商Magento主题 47 $188
车轮和轮胎Magento主题 66 $188


Everybody knows that owning a 车 dealership is a very profitable business. 仍然, if you don't know how to take advantage of what the online world offers for this type of business, 你会失去很多重要的客户. It may not seem very easy to build a site for your 车 dealership business, 而是用汽车经销商Magento主题的新收藏, 一切都非常简单. Everything can be installed and set up by anyone, and the investment is completely cost-effective.

首先,这些模板有一个梦幻般的购物体验. Big, high-quality images offer the future client the possibility of studying their dream 车 in detail and learning new things about reliability and design from the complete description. 每种产品都是分开处理的, 你可以引入新的图像, 添加规范, 然后用后面板设定价格. Discover Demo, read benefits, and buy before your competitors make a purchase! It's important to build trust relationships with the audience for business trading machines, 摩托车, 自行车, 特殊的部分. 别忘了女性观众. Yes, most often, the choice is made by a man, but there are a lot of drivers among women. You need to create an online store design where both potential audience groups will feel comfortable.



  • 愿望列表. 做出正确的选择, it's often necessary to systematize your favorite commodity positions in one place.
  • 简单易懂的购物卡. Often visitors are annoyed by long listings of fields where you need to fill orders. The procedure should be as simple as possible, comfortable, and intuitive. 不要向购买者提供过多不必要的信息. 这会引起不良反应.
  • 时尚、时尚、现代的布局. 请注意,Magento汽车模板是一个高质量的产品. 页面上的所有信息都是合乎逻辑的. 这可以提高潜在客户的忠诚度.
  • 布局的灵活性. The ability to edit the ready-made options for the page's appearance. At the same time, certain practices aren't requi红色的 with such tasks. 你只需要时间和愿望来学习基本的东西.
  • 可用的搜索过滤器. Sort, to seek the most suitable 部分 is much easier if it's possible to choose trading 车s. The parameters must be as accurate as possible to 搜索 results accurately.
  • Seo友好. 你的网上商店需要在搜索引擎上进行推广. 从这一步开始,几乎所有的在线业务都开始了. Car 汽车 themes for Magento and the option works as a certain push in advertising into the top. You can achieve good results faster in the complex with standard promotion work.
  • 这种自适应设计在任何设备的屏幕上看起来都很棒. 信息有垂直和水平两种位置. For example, a smartphone is a vertical layout version, and a laptop is horizontal.
  • 智能Ajax搜索. 它提供了商品的选择,在你打印的时间. 从而简化了搜索时刻. 为访客提供更多便利.

预订您最喜欢的选项与需要的优势列表. 请记住,每个报价都可能有所不同.


If you think more globally, then the products on this page are suitable for many businesses. The direct destination is the owners of online stores for the 车's sale and 汽车 spare 部分. 然而, 产品兼容摩托车等活动领域, 运输服务, 自行车.

If you have a rental service or rental of elite and simple machines, then it's worth thinking about purchasing our products on this page. Remember, you may find other proposals for different businesses in the filter. We recommend expanding the offers list and choosing a layout without looking at content present in the demo. After all, you download new options in place of banners, pictures, and texts.

eCommerce Website Creation with Auto Car Selling Magento 模板: Tips and Tricks


  • 与为Magento购买的主题经销商合作.
  • 模板安装后填充站点.
  • 如何填写商品建议书页.

首先,所有的布局都可以由买家自己进行. 为此,开发人员编写了文档. Even entry levels can change the site and work with designs quite effectively.

其次, 安装模板后, 你需要填写现场图片, 下载条幅及文字. 选择和创建独特的内容. It'll give you the best positions in 搜索 引擎s (it's better to check the rules for generating such content and advice with a marketer since everything is individual). 另外,不要像竞争者一样. 独特的内容形成了高水平专业人士的形象. To create high-quality text and graphic materials, it's worth contacting specialists. 这些都是廉价的服务,但带来了不可否认的好处.

Thirdly, any store has its own structure and separate landing pages for goods. 既然你有针对女性和男性的产品, 即使在众所周知的标题上,它也值得提供最大限度的信息. 请注意,您需要上传最高质量的照片. 制作简短的视频评论会很有效. 它们既能提供信息,又能带来美感. 当然,制造这种短材料有点贵. 但你可以为最受欢迎的职位做这个任务.



The products on this page are designed to change the sites' appearance for selling 车s and 汽车 部分.


You can set up the purchased development by ordering a service from the developer's company or doing the task yourself. Use the instructions included with the purchase if you plan to do the setup.


免费期满后续订支持. 要做到这一点,你需要提前联系经理并付款. 您也可以在您购买的产品页面上购买该服务. Select the appropriate one from the list of additional services, add it to the basket, and pay.


福利清单很长. The first thing our customers like is the inc红色的ibly stylish and modern look and fewer downloads compa红色的 to free counter部分.


We have collected 10+ useful tools for your Auto Car Selling Magento stores that will help you to increase sales and improve customer experience. Watch a video and choose your perfect way to make conversions higher. 适用于汽车市场,汽车卖家Magento项目.